I have been tagged by the lovely Lindsay from Newcastle Family Life to take part in the 'I am the mum who' tag. I've never taken part in a tag before, but it looked quite fun so I thought I would give it a go.
I am the mum who...
- didn't think she was the maternal type until she got pregnant, and now loves being a mum more than anything in the world.
- after 6 years in Northern Ireland is slowly turning in to a country bumpkin.
- wanted to be called mam, but made the decision to go with mum so the kids didn't sound too out of place when we relocated.
- watches My Little Pony with her daughter and secretly loves it, especially all of the songs!
- hides in the kitchen to eat chocolate so she doesn't have to share, but always makes the kids share their treats with her (I feel guilty just writing that!)
- is always taking photos.
- should probably spend a little less time with her phone in her hand.
- constantly doubts her parenting skills and sometimes worries she is getting it all wrong.
- is so glad the Peppa Pig phase is over, I'm sorry but how annoying is she?!
- always gets wrong off her son for calling him 'pet' and 'sweetie' and 'wee man', but can't help it... it just rolls off the tongue!
- is usually bad cop in the good cop/ bad cop situation (and never imagined it to be that way!)
- secretly loves when the kids come in mum & dads bed so she can have a little cuddle.
- wishes she was better at imaginative play so she could play with the kids more.
- used to be so laid back, but now worries about everything, all of the time!
- can't stand the silence of a child free house!
- sometimes shouts more than she would like to, and feels so guilty about it.
- ignores the washing pile for as long as possible, then gets cross at herself for leaving it so long when she's standing folding for hours.
- Has a fantastic husband supporting her each step of the way
- refuses to get wet during a water fight (spoilt sport!)
- Is worried her kids will be embarrassed by her when they get older.
- feels totally blessed to have such an amazing little family.

I love reading all of your comments and getting to interact with all my readers so pop a comment in the section below and lets chit chat.
I'm definitely going to be super embarrassing but also hide in the kitchen shovelling food down my neck
ReplyDeleteI love your answers , i bloody hate peppa pig I wish someone would just make a bacon sandwich out of her and her whole family and she would be gone forever. I worry all the time too since having children i get wrong off Lee for worrying about everything non stop but i can't help it xx