I've loved books and reading for as long as I can remember. As a child, I much preferred an evening in my room with a good book over a night in front of the telly! My love of reading continued through my teens and in to my early 20's. I enjoyed visiting the library once a week to find new things to read.
I am not what I would call a casual reader, and what I mean by that is I don't like to casually dip in and out of a book. I know people like to carry books in their bag to read a quick chapter here and there throughout the day, but that's not my style. I prefer to sit and read large chunks of a book in one go, and in the days before children it was so easy to spend the whole day curled up on the sofa with a good novel and read it from cover to cover.
Once you have children, time becomes a bit of a luxury. Those precious moments that were once spent with my nose in a book are now spent loving and caring for tiny humans, forcing me to either become a casual 'few pages at a time' reader, or just to stop reading altogether.
Sadly, I chose the latter of the options. Well, I say chose, but I never really made a conscious decision to stop reading, it just kind of happened. That's not to say I haven't read a book for 6 years, I have read one or two, but it's nothing compared to the days pre children.
Recently, I installed the Kindle app on to my iPad, and I'm now wondering what took me so long! In the couple of months since getting the app I have read more books than I have since my oldest was born in 2009! It's reignited a passion in me that I'd kind of forgotten I had. The first book I read, I finished in two evenings. I just couldn't stop, every spare second I had I was reading, struggling to take my eyes away for even a moment.... until I got wrong off my husband for completely ignoring him while I was lost in the story!
I'm enjoying getting back in to reading again. I'm currently in the middle of a book (an actual book too, not a digital version) and I've gone against my reading style. I've started doing what I used to hate, reading a chapter while I wait for the kettle to boil, or whenever I have a spare 5 minutes. I've also started reading a chapter at night in bed, and it's really helping me unwind in the final minutes of my day.
I'm now looking forward to getting back to the library again. Do you have any recommendations for good books?

I love reading all of your comments and getting to interact with all my readers so pop a comment in the section below and lets chit chat.
I was exactly the same as a child i loved books and i even use to read nonstop when i had just one child as i would read when she was in bed. But since having Sophia and Jacob i have hardly read at all which is a shame as i love nothing more then getting lost in a good book xx