Weekend morning are my favourite, because there is no school run!
Anyone with kids will know that the school run can get a bit hectic sometimes, and it's a time when Neil is usually at his most anxious. And it doesn't matter how much we get things ready the night before, we are always rushing around getting ready on the morning. In fact, we even missed the school bus, but it was a combination of us being a few minutes behind, and the bus leaving 5 minutes early.
Anyway, our weekend mornings are a stark contrast to the weekdays. They are so laid back and lazy, and we love it.
I probably shouldn't admit that today, at almost 1pm, we're still in our pyjamas. In fairness, we are just about to get ready!
I work alternate Saturdays, so we don't always get the chance to be this lazy on a Saturday. And usually we would be dressed by this time, as I like to get out and about and make the most of the day, but the weather was crap this morning so we thought we'd have a lazy few hours.
This morning, and most Saturday mornings, I wake up next to these two beauties...
Our day started at 8.30am, but it was a rather slow start. One of my favourite things about the weekend is lying in bed having a bit of a giggle and a cuddle with the kids before we get up. We usually laze about in the bed for about and hour before we do anything, and it's lush.
Every Saturday we have 'Bagel Morning', which is a recent addition to our weekend routine. My hubby bought bagels for Mothers Day breakfast in March, and up until then he had never tried a bagel, can you believe that? He's a fussy eater. Anyway, he tried one, loved it, and so we created bagel morning.
After our breakfast, we usually get together on the sofa and watch some Tom & Jerry before getting dressed.
I love our laid back Saturday Morning, there are not tears, no stresses, no rushing around looking for stuff, just calm happy children which is lovely. It's a nice opportunity to wind down after the school/ work week and just chill together for a few hours.
What is your favourite thing about Saturday or Sunday morning? Are you ever as lazy as us and decide just to stay in your pj's until lunch time?
I hope we're not the only ones!

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