#BEDM is Blog Every Day in May, a month long challenge to blog every day, with a series of prompts.
Today's prompt is 5 favourite posts.
I've been looking over my blog, having a read through my posts, trying to decide which ones are my favourite. It was much harder than I expected. I don't even have that many posts to pick from, so it should have been a relatively easy task. It's hard, especially as a new blogger, to big up the stuff you have written.
The five I have gone for may not be the most well written posts on my blog, but I like them none the less.
In no particular order, my five favourite are:
Half Term Fun Outdoors - This is one of my early blog posts about a day out we had. I love the photo's in it, and it sums up my children and how much they love to be outdoors.
The Time Train - This has been the most popular posts on my blog so far. My son struggles with changes in routine, and visual schedules are a great way to help him deal with that. We didn't like the generic visuals that we found on ebay, and so decided to make our own, and it's been a great help. I recieved great feedback for this post, and hopefully it was inspiration to other parents looking for a visual timetable for their own children.
10 questions - Another popular one, this was my first opportunity to get my kids properly involved with a post. I love the idea of asking the same 10 questions every year, to see how their answers change as the grow.
A Country Walk - Moving from the city to the countryside was a huge change for me. Luckily, my kids were too young to know much about the move, so the country is all they know. I love that we live in a place surrounded by beautiful landscape, and places to explore. I love the pictures in this post too.
Freddie - My daughter has an imaginary friend, Freddie, who is quite the character. I won't give too much away, but all is not quite as it seems!
That's my pick then, took me a while to choose them and even as I type this I'm not sure if I've made the right decisions, but I could be here all day chopping and choosing, so I'm sticking with it now!

I love reading all of your comments and getting to interact with all my readers so pop a comment in the section below and lets chit chat.
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