Love the Little Things 07-11-2014

It's been a while since I joined in with Love the Little Things, but I've missed it a bit so I thought I would get my act together this week and join. We've had a relaxed week. I worked all of my shifts at the beginning of the week so have had a few days off work, and have spent most of that time chilling in front of the fire. The weather has been so miserable!
Also, when did November creep up on us? It doesn't feel like summer has been over for long and now it's only 7 weeks until Christmas!
Anyway, I'll stop babbling! Here are my little loves this week...


I've had a little flick through some magazines this week. I don't usually bother with magazines because I never get a chance to read through them properly, and they usually end up ripped or scribbled on. I got myself a Christmas magazine last week and haven't had a proper chance to read it all but I have had a little peak and I'm very excited to get my Christmas on!
I also read a bit of Glamour, which I wouldn't usually buy but I wanted the free nail varnish.


I watched the first two episodes of 'The Missing' on the red button. It is quite difficult to watch, and gripping at the same time. It's got to be most parents worst nightmare, to have a child go missing. It is terrifying when your child disappears in a clothes shop only to be found a few moments later hiding amongst the rails, but for that split second when you don't know where your child is... it's just the worst feeling. That is kind of the feeling I got watching this. I am interested to see how it goes on. Has anyone else been watching it?


This is the song I have listened to the most this week, I love it.


I remember when Avril Lavigne's first album came out when I was about 14, and I honestly thought she was the coolest person ever.


I have some Betty Crocker cake mixes in the cupboard which me and Caitlin were going to bake during the week but when we got everything together to give it a go we noticed our eggs were out of date. There should have been a nice red velvet cake photo here but instead there is nothing, because we didn't make anything else!


Winter boots, everyday.


I love love love these boots, they keep my feet so warm and toasty, and they look fab. I actually have worn them everyday, you have to in this awful weather we've had. They look great with skinnies, or with black tights and a nice dress .
I'm loving the grey-ish nail varnishthat I got free with my magazine too. Never imagined grey to be a good colour for the nails but it looks great.

And lastly...

Caitlin came home from Girls Brigade last week with the 'GB Bear' for being the best girl in the group for the night. I've never seen her so happy, she was so pleased with herself and has been looking after this tiny bear for the last week. Here she is posing with it before having to return it this week.


I hope you've all had a lovely week.



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  1. First of all, love your blog design poppet. Really pretty! I'm watching The Missing too - it's so good but difficult to watch at the same time! Bless wee Caitlin, she looks so proud of herself. My girls absolutely love GB. It's their favourite time of the week! :) Have a great weekend lovely xx

    1. Thanks darlin! Yes GB is Caitlin's favourite time of the week too. The morning after GB she starts a little countdown until the next one.
      Thanks for popping by, have a lovely weekend x

  2. I saw the start of Missing one night last week. It looked interesting, but I actually was too tired and went to bed! Exciting life I lead! I hate that when you go to make something and find yours eggs are out of date - it actually does happen me all the time, seriously! Enjoy your weekend! #littleloves

    1. Haha my life is equally exciting I often fall asleep while watching movies in the evening, and to think I used to party until dawn!

  3. I have The Missing recorded, but can't bring myself to watch it, it seems to scary and I just can't bear the thought of it. Lovely boots! x

    1. It is very scary because it feels so real. Definitely worth a watch though x

  4. People were talking about The Missing at work and I thought it sounded good but I haven't had time to catch up yet. Loving the boots - they do look really cosy and it has been so flippin' cold this week (I actually found myself scraping ice off my car on Wednesday morning!). Have a lovely weekend X #littleloves

  5. I'm totally going to buy Glamour magazine today for the free nail varnish too! Haha I'm a sucker for a freebie!
    I've been watching The Missing too, I'm really trying hard not to get emotionally involved with it, but it's so hard. I can't even imagine what it would be like.
    Enjoy the rest of your week lovely x
