When you find yourself googling the phrase 'how to overcome writers block', you know you are in trouble.
You may, or may not have noticed that I haven't been around much recently. I've been struggling to write anything for almost a month, and my blog is suffering for it. Yes, I've posted a few photography posts here and there, but nothing with a substantial amount of writing. I have spent many an evening staring at the blank space on my blogger screen, wondering what to do with myself.
In June, I attended Britmums Live. I had been dreaming about it for a year, planning it for 6 months. I thought I would arrive home from my trip and feel inspired, ready to take on the blogging world. And for a few days, I did.
I finally felt like I could take myself seriously, and call myself a blogger. I came home, totally buzzing about the future of my blog and my writing. I started scribbling notes in to my notepad, making lists of future posts, gathering my thoughts. I was full of chat with my husband about how beneficial the conference had been, excited to discuss my ideas with him.
It all sounds very promising, doesn't it? So as you can imagine, I felt a little bit deflated when I sat down at my laptop to write some posts, and my mind went totally blank. I have pages of ideas, but can't seem to turn those ideas in to posts. I can't find the words.
As the weeks have gone by (almost 6 of them since Britmums, I can't believe it's been that long!) I've been finding it harder and harder. Of course, self doubt has been creeping in.. maybe my writing isn't good enough. I think my biggest issue is fear of putting myself out there, to have complete strangers read what is in my heart, because what if they don't like it? This has been a big fear for me since I started blogging, but I think going to Britmums has magnified it. I met so many amazing bloggers that I was totally in awe of, and now wonder if I deserve my place among such people? That, I think, is what is holding me back.
I'm stressing myself out a bit. I love blogging, and I don't want to let my fears hold me back. I know in the past I've been told to just take a little break if I'm not feeling it, and usually that works, but it's different this time. I am feeling it, I don't want a break. It's so frustrating having so many ideas but not being able to put them across properly. What's more frustrating is knowing that it's my own fear that is stopping me from writing! I want to get back on track so badly.... if I could just get over the barrier that I have created.
Linking up with The Mad Mid Week Blog Hop // Share With Me

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I went through a similar thing. I left BritMums feeling really positive, but when I got home I got writers block and it all stopped being fun.
ReplyDeleteThe key for me was to rejig my schedule and find some time before the kids got up to write, so that when they were up I could spend all my time with them.
Hope you find a solution soon and find your mojo once more xx
What you're suffering affects just about everyone at some point. Easier said than done, but the best thing you can do is to switch off completely for a while and stop worrying about it - as with so many things, the more you sorry the worse the spiral becomes. I've written about how to overcome writer's block before but the two things that always have worked for me in the past are to take some photos and write about those or to write about something completely random that you wouldn't normally write about and see what happens. That may not produce a publishable post in itself but it can be great for just shaking new ideas out of your subconscious. Write for the sake of writing, not because it's X days since you wrote a post - and see what happens. Sounds silly, but it always works for me.
ReplyDeleteI was exactly the same since Britmums ,came away with tons of ideas and have done nothing about it. I hardly blogged for weeks afterwards as just didn't feel like it. At the moment I'm just concentrating on getting all my reviews & sponsored posts done so they are out the way & that's slowly getting me back into the swing of things andI want to write again. xx
ReplyDeleteYou just did! When you are feeling like that, the first post is the hardest and here it is. Don't look back, just keep writing. I know what you mean though, sometimes I read others blogs then wonder why I even bother - then I remind myself I have regular readers that do like what I'm doing and that always helps me to push the negative thoughts aside #mmwbh
I agree with Debbie, you just did it! So what if you have writers block, everyone does at one point. It doesn't mean you're a terrible writer and you don't deserve to be a blogger. Because you do! Hope you get your inspiration back again! x #sharewithme
ReplyDelete"If you build it...it will come." Don't worry a lot of us had writers block and confident dips after BritMumsLive. It's hard not to compare yourself to other bloggers! Your writing is great x #Sharewithme x
ReplyDeleteI feel you with the writer's block. I'm new to blogging but when I first started I was really nervous about putting myself out there. I've been writing short fiction stories for years but have never tried publishing them because of fear. Writer's block is tough! Thanks for sharing.
ReplyDeleteSometimes we were first start out we over think things. Write a list type post so it flows out of you easily. Or maybe a round up of question and answers so we all can get to know you better. These are less time consuming and get your writing flowing. Or a buck list of the things you want to do in life or on your blog are helpful too. As soon as it starts flowing it's hard to stop it I promise. Got to start somewhere and it will get you where you want to go eventually promise. Thank you so much for linking up to Share With Me #sharewithme
ReplyDeleteI went through a blogger burnout quite recently, they suck! So you have my sympathies! I even wrote a blog post about it too "Overcoming a Blogger burnout" if you fancy giving it a search. It helps, trust me! Take a timeout. Take as long as you need too. Blogging will always be there at the end of the day. Thanks so much for linking up with #MMWBH