In less than three weeks time I will be heading to London for the first time to attend a blogging and social media conference, BritMums Live. I booked my tickets a few months ago, and at the time it felt like ages away. It has really crept up on me, I've been sitting tonight planning my travel around London, and it suddenly sunk in that I'm actually doing this!
I've left it pretty late, but here is my 'I'm going to Britmums Live' meme, so those of you that are going can decide if you want to hug me or avoid me at the conference.
Here is a recent photo of me so you can see what I look like. At Britmums I won't have a child attached to my face, but you get the idea...
Here is a recent photo of me so you can see what I look like. At Britmums I won't have a child attached to my face, but you get the idea...
- Name - Lauren
- Blog - Blogger Mummy Lauren
- Twitter ID - @blogmummylauren
- Height - 5ft 9 ish
- Hair - Dark with a blonde (ish) coloured dip dye. I'm hoping to be blonder in time for the event, with a possible flash of blue, but who knows?
- Eyes - Green with browny bits
- Is this your first blogging conference? - Yes! I'm equal parts excited and terrified about the idea of attending a blogging conference. I know a lot of people ease themselves in to the world of conferences by going to something smaller as their first, but living in Northern Ireland makes it difficult to travel over, so I decided just to take the plunge and jump straight in at the deep end.
- Are you attending both days? - Absolutely, I couldn't travel all that way and miss any of it!
- What are you most looking forward to at BritMums Live 2015? - I'm literally looking forward to the whole thing. It's my first time in London, so I'm pretty excited about that, I'm excited about staying in a hotel, I'm looking forward to meeting lovely bloggers and sharing the weekend with them, and I can't wait to learn lots of new things!
- What are you wearing? (Want inspiration? Check out our What I’m wearing to BritMums Live Pinterest board) - I'm not sure yet. I'm still debating between jeans or a dress, so maybe a dress on one of the days and some skinny jeans on the other, and most likely my trusty converse. I'll probably just pack a selection, because it's hard to know what weather to dress for when you are leaving for the airport at 4am! I may do a post on my outfit selections closer to the event.
- What do you hope to gain from BritMums Live 2015? - In the last month or so I feel that I've lost my way a bit when it comes to blogging, so I'm hoping the conference will give me the boost I need to get back on track. To be honest though, I'm not really sure what to expect. I've spent so many evenings reading blog posts about last years conference, and one thing that strikes me is that everyone seems to take away something completely different from it. I'm trying to go without too many expectations and just see how it goes.
- Do you have any tips to pass on to others who may not have been before? - Unfortunately not, being a newbie and all. I would love some tips, if you could give me some!
If you see me at Britmums, please do come and say hello!

I love reading all of your comments and getting to interact with all my readers so pop a comment in the section below and lets chit chat.
I am looking forward to meeting you. I too am excited and terrified all rolled into one and have no idea what to expect xx
ReplyDeleteIt should be good craic, they will all be wondering who let the geordies out on release haha x
DeleteLook forward to meeting you! It's going to be brilliant :)
ReplyDeleteAs a fellow first-timer, I have to admit I'm quite relieved that there are so many of us in the same boat! Hopefully I'll get a chance to say hi, although I imagine it's going to be quite frenetic on the social front as everyone tries to connect with everyone else.
ReplyDeleteSee you there Lauren x
ReplyDeleteOh it is going to be so much fun! My first blogging conference was BritMums Live and I have to say that jumping in the deep end is sometimes quite a lot of fun ;) Not long to go now...