At the beginning of the year I made a promise that 2015 was going to be the year I got fit. Well you know what? We are a quarter of a way in to the year and if anything, I'm actually more unhealthy than I was when I made the promise.
I haven't been out for a run at all this year, I have only had a few pretty poor attempts on the treadmill which all ended with me eating chocolate on the sofa straight after. I haven't really exercised at all in fact... I've just been really, really lazy!
My eating habits have been pretty terrible too, I've had a kfc almost every weekend of this year, countless dinners of cheesy chips or pizza, and way too many bowls of cereal at 11pm. And then there is chocolate, I actually think I am addicted to chocolate. I can't even remember the last day that I didn't have chocolate. Things have gotten pretty bad, and I have gained a good few pounds since Christmas. I'm struggling to button the majority of my jeans, and when the button popped on my favourite pair last week I knew something had to change.
I am beginning a 12 week slip in to summer challenge with DW fitness, which started on Easter Monday (I'm not sure if that is a blessing or a bit evil, my kids still have loads of Easter eggs around the house and it's sooo hard for me to resist!).
Over the next 12 weeks I will be sticking to a healthy diet and workout plan. The diet isn't any kind of fad, get thin quick sort of jobbies, it's just eating healthy foods, plenty of fruit and veg and cutting out the crap like chocolate, crisps and alcohol.
I will be working out 3 times a week, both in the gym and at home. As well as 3 proper workouts, I will be trying to be more active in general.... Walking the long way to work, getting out and about with the kids, and just not being a lazy cow like I have been over the last few months!
I have decided to share a picture of myself here of my body shape now. My husband thinks it's a brave move, but it's a bit of a motivator for me to look at so I can remember why I'm doing this. I haven't been happy with my body since I had the kids, and I would love to fit in to a size ten again, or at least have my size 12s fit without popping buttons!
So that's me, in all my glory. Please excuse the shorts, I don't have any fitness shorts at the moment, and I wanted something that would show different areas of my body so I can see improvement in them as the weeks go on. I bought those shorts last year, they are a size 12 and very unflattering on me... Hopefully in 12 weeks times they might look a little bit better!
Here are my stats at the start of the challenge:
- Weight - 10st 12
- Dress size - 12/ 14 ish
- Bust - 88cm
- Upper arm - L 28.5cm R 27cm
- Waist - 74cm
- Tummy/ love handle area - 100cm
- Hips - 103cm
- Thighs - L 59cm R 60cm
I will be updating you with my progress on a weekly basis, with a weekly weigh in taking place on a Monday morning and a post about my week going live on Monday evening. I will be vlogging my journey too, so check out my YouTube channel to see how I'm getting on. I will be sharing all of my highs and lows along the way, I know it's not going to be easy for me, I'm only two days in and I'm desperate for some chocolate, but I know I can do it!
I'm really looking forward to getting stuck in and starting my fitness revolution!
How are you getting on with your fitness goals in 2015? Do you have any tips you can share with me?

I love reading all of your comments and getting to interact with all my readers so pop a comment in the section below and lets chit chat.
Well done! Great challenge, I keep trying to drop a similar amount and being derailed by crisps. Look forward to following.
ReplyDeleteI do enjoy a bag of crisps but chocolate is my poison!
DeleteMy poison is Nutella. Cant get enough of those. I can finish 1 big jar in 1 day. Now I am trying to get rid of it and I am also doing 30 day shred exercise. I am feeling better but definitely far from where I want to be. Goodluck with this journey. #pocolo
ReplyDeleteOooh don't talk about Nutella, it is one of my weaknesses! I could eat a full jar in a single sitting too it's just so tasty. Good luck with your exercising, you will get where you want to be in the end x
DeleteWe all have our own standards, and if you want to get fit and time up then I wish you all the luck in the world, but I think you are really slim and you are at my target weight. I'm two stones heavier than you and I'm guessing you might be a little bit taller then me. Honestly, if you saw me in denim shorts you would need counselling!! xx
I think you are right, we all have our own standards and our own 'comfortable weights' and for me I just don't feel comfortable right now. I'm also challenging myself to get fit because I'm really quite unhealthy so for me it's not just about size. Good luck achieving your target weight xx
DeleteGood luck Lauren!
ReplyDeleteGood luck!! I am psyching myself up to try something similar but as you saw chocolate is a problem for me ;) Loads of luck, I'm sure you will do fab! x
ReplyDeleteSince when do you need to lose weight - you look great! Although, it is only you who knows how you feel. Good luck with the challenge - I bet you will do fantastically. Thank you for linking to #PoCoLo x