How many steps?!

A few days ago I posted about how I wanted to get back on the fitness wagon. After way to much food and drink over Christmas, a change in lifestyle is definitely needed. I have said it before and it has not really amounted to much, but this time I mean business.

I want to start running again, but I think it's going to be tough because my fitness levels are pretty low at the moment, so I think I might start off with something I do everyday.... Walking.

The NHS recommend that for a healthy active lifestyle, you should aim for 10,000 steps a day.
Hold on a second.... Is it just me, or does 10,000 steps not sound absolutely huge? I can't imagine I do anywhere near that amout of steps in one day. Although, to be honest, I really have no idea how many steps I do, but I'm almost certain it isn't anywhere near the recommended amount.

I think I'm going to set myself a little challenge, and see if I can achieve 10,000 steps on Tuesday. I have an appointment at the occupational therapist with Neil in the morning, and after that I'm going to go out for a walk with my camera to try and get some nice shots. I'm going to wear my pedometer all day and see if I can do it. I wouldn't usually walk much in a normal day. I do walk to work, but it's only a 5 minute walk, and once I'm there I spend most of my day at a desk before walking home. I would like to get out walking more, but you know how it is when you have finished a day of work, and it's dark outside, going for a walk is the last thing on your mind.

There really is nothing stopping me on my days off, but I usually don't use my time well. If I'm not at work, and the kids are at school, I would like to use my free time to do some more blogging, but often find that I don't have much motivation to do much. I'm thinking if I can get out for a nice long walk in the cold winter air it should give me a bit of energy for the rest of the day, and help me focus myself a bit too.

That is one of the reasons I like to walk, because it really can help to clear the mind and get a bit of focus. The fact that it is also a good form of exercise without being too intense is great too.

So here goes, I challenge myself to...

10000 steps in a day

Like I said before, I really have no idea how many steps I would usually take, so maybe this is going to be really easy and I'll look a bit foolish setting myself this big challenge. On the other hand, maybe it's going to be more difficult than I imagined. Only time will tell!

Do you think I can do it? Have you ever counted your daily steps? What are you doing to get fit? I would love to hear your stories!

Mums' Days

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  1. I think pedometers are great to show you a snapshot of an exercise which is so much more simple to do than running a marathon or going to classes - You know that if you're doing say 9,000 steps then you\re nearly there! I've not done step counting for ages but my hubby has given me his smart watch so I'm hoping to start today. Best of luck and thanks for linking with #BloggingToJogging xx

    1. Yes walking is such a simple exercise, but often so effective. The only issue is time, if you work at an office all day and it's dark when you get home there isn't much of on opportunity to walk. Thanks for hosting, looking forward to linking up my progress each week x

  2. You can definitely do it, you'd be surprised at just how many steps you take when your not thinking about it. You can get cheap pedometers to show you too. Good luck #bloggingtojogging

  3. Fabulous post, and genuinely I think it's so achievable and could be a real positive change. Good luck with it all #AllAboutYou

  4. Good luck! I've no idea how many steps I do - although it would vary I'd guess with work days at the office being far less! x

  5. I was averaging 12k steps a day in the summer when Gwenn was just on the cusp of learning to walk. Now, she doesn't want to be in the pushchair but she's not exactly up for hiking either so my step count is disastrous. Good Luck with working out how to achieve 10k. I am desperate to get back up there but I feel as if jogging is the only answer? x


  6. Well done on beginning with your steps. How has it gone? I want to get fit too, but not sure where I should start. Good luck!

  7. Have you found a good pedometer to use? I've always thought that this was a good idea but don't want to pay a fortune for a pedometer?! #AllAboutMe

  8. Good luck with your challenge! I think that walking whilst taking pictures will easily pass the time and you will be surprised at how far you walk - it's also a nice way to look at exercise! Good luck with your journey and look forward to keeping up with your progress! Sim @ x

  9. Yup, 10,000 steps is a long way! I got a fitbit from my Brother for my Birthday and I was surprised how little I move on the days I work (like 3-4k per day!!) but it was easier to do it on the days with Reuben as I started to walk into town. Then I stopped using the fitbit ;)

    I do LOVE walking at the moment though!! I recently starting trying to walk half an hour a day on the beach near us. It does wonders for my mood and really sets me up for the day. So enjoy it!!

    Thanks for linking to #AllAboutYou xxx
