
I've had three days off work in a row this week. I cold have used my time wisely, crossed some things off the little long to do list in my head, but alas that hasn't happened.

I've been a bit lazy. In fact, I've been very lazy... and I feel crap for it.

So my word of the week has to be lazy.

There is so much I could have been doing. I have a mental to-do list the length of my arm, it would have been sensible to try and cross some of the things off the list. Instead, I've sat around on my bum, thinking about the things I could be doing rather than actually doing them.

Sometimes I think I just shouldn't sit down in the morning, because when I do the rest of the day is doomed to be rubbish. I take the kids to the school bus at 8.30. Some days I come back and start doing things, and these are generally productive days. Other days I decide to reward myself with a wee coffee,you know, to reward myself for making it out of bed that morning. After the cuppa comes the TV show I have recorded on sky, and then something else comes up. All the while my wet washing sits in the machine from the night before, the breakfast bowls still sit on the kitchen table waiting to be cleared away. I add the tasks to my mental to-do list.

Why is it that one act of procrastination always leads to another? Before you know it, it's lunch time and you have spent the whole morning on the sofa...

Days like that are OK on the odd occasion. Sunday morning maybe. Certainly not three days in a row when you really have other things to be getting on with. I only have myself to blame though, I haven't been getting to bed until 1.30 most nights this week, and I'm stumbling out of bed at 6.30 each morning wondering if you can get coffee administered by drip.

I feel annoyed at myself, thinking of all the things I could have done. All of the time I've had.

So I'm declaring this week a bit of a write off. It's ok though, next week is a new week and I can start fresh. I'm going to write some of my to-do list down on to paper instead of storing it on random post-it notes floating around my head. It's so much easier to get things done when you have a physical list in front of you.

I hope you have all had a more productive week than I have.... Enjoy your weekend my lovelies!

The Reading Residence

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  1. There's probably a reason why you have done it though and probably not a 100% down to being lazy. There is nothing wrong with it, so don't be too hard on yourself and we all do need to take some time for ourselves and just do nothing and relax. We can't always be rushing about to complete our lists. I have a never ending to do list but I are sure I ignored it yesterday and treated myself to a me day. Its important to have them, funnily enough i blogged about it yesterday. My plan was to do it to day but that went out the window as other bits (nothing productive) got in the way. If you feel bad it's good motivation to kick in and do bits but don't be too hard, you probably needed the rest too.

    1. It is good to have a me day now and then, I think three days in the row is a bit too much though!
      I think it has given me a wee bit of motivation to get more done next week, but you are right I probably needed the rest.

  2. Lazy days are ok, maybe it's your body and mind telling you to rest up, the rest of the world can wait.

    1. I suppose you are right, although I don't feel rested because I spent most of the time thinking about what I was meant to be doing. Silly really!

  3. Oh sometimes it's okay to be lazy, especially when you're working. Yes, definitely okay to have those as my husband would say "bugger all" days once in awhile ;) #wotw.

    1. Oh I like that, a bugger all day. Hopefully I've got all of my lazy out of the way now x

  4. I have days like that. I find I need to get on first thing as you said or nothing gets done. Hope you have a good weekend x #WotW

    1. I'm going to make myself a daily schedule to try and get my house done early so I can feel like I've actually done something! I'm terrible otherwise x

  5. Oh no, so frustrating! As you say, though, draw a line under it, you';re now refreshed, and lists like that always motivate me, too. Good luck next week! Thanks for sharing with #WotW x

    1. There is something so motivating about seeing what you need to do on paper. I think it's because it's a physical reminder, which means it can be crossed off after and you can feel like you have achieved something.
      Thanks for hosting as always x

  6. Ahh Lazy days are ok! Sometimes we need them....I hope next week is more productive for you!

  7. If you're having late nights and early mornings it's no wonder you are tired and not very productive, It's ok to have the occasional lazy day but hopefully you'll be refreshed next week. #wotw

    1. It is definitely the late nights. I never learn though, it's currently 11.30pm and I'm sitting up blogging when I said I was going to have an early one!

  8. Don't beat yourself yo too much, sometimes our mind and boys just need a rest. But I know what you mean about not sitting down, I think that too most days x #wotw

    1. *up blasted autocorrect/fat finger typing :)

    2. If my sofa wasn't so comfortable maybe I wouldn't sit down for so long!

  9. I have to write lists of my to do things, or they won't get done. Next week is a new week and armed with your written to do list, I'm sure you'll be very productive. Sometimes we need time out and there's no harm in that.

  10. I think it should be the law that you have a certain amount of these days per year. They do you good, sometimes you need to just have lazy, coffee drinking, tv watching days to recharge the batteries. Reading this has actually just reminded me that I have washing in the machine that went in at lunchtime.. it's now 9.15pm. Doohhhhh. x

    1. Oh dear, I honestly do the washing thing every day. It's bad when you have to take something out and give it a little sniff to see if it still smells freshly washed or has the damp smell!x

  11. I hate it when this happens. I have so little time away from either work or the kids though that I try and make it count when it comes along and I'm like a dervish on Tuesdays - there's always huge amounts on the to do list! Good luck for next week! #wotw

    1. I realise that by being lazy during the day, I'm missing out on the kids when they get home because I'm too busy trying to get stuff done. If I just did my housework in the morning I would have free time to spend with them after school x

  12. This happens to me ALL the time. You are not alone!!
    Amy x

  13. Have been feeling sluggish too. Will sit down telling myself that it will only be few minutes and hours pass I am still there sitting. Can we blame the weather? I am blaming the weather. Heres hoping too that next week will be more productive to the both of us! #wotw

    1. Oh good thinking, it's definitely the weather. At least, that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it ;)

  14. Hi Lauren, how I start my day tends to reflect on the rest of the day too...Like now for instance. I woke up bright and breezy and full of intentions of doing the things I need to catch up on. It's now 13.15, I am still in my PJ's and haven't even thought about dinner.

    The dogs are looking at me for a walk, Hubby Dearest suggested a bike ride and I have laundry baskets full of dirty laundry.

    Nothing wrong with being lazy every now and again, but I had a 'day off' (I wish) yesterday. So on that note I am closing my laptop and heading to the shower, before the rest of the day gets wasted!

