Anywhere but the cat bed...

Our family cats are pretty damn lazy. They spend most of their days (and nights, actually) chilling, lying around, sleeping, sprawled out and really just doing as little as possible.

Of course, cats being cats, the nice comfortable cat bed you spent a good chunk of money on... it's not good enough.

Here is a cats guide to the best places to chill in the house...

The office chair:

Spread out across the floor... preferably in the way of everyone:

On the hoover pipe:

On the dining chairs:

Anywhere that has even the smallest amount of sunlight:

In the human's bed:

On the laundry pile:

Squashed on to the tiny bannister:

Sprawled across the rug like a human:

On the stairs, chilling like a boss:

In the firewood basket:

Behind the 300 degree stove:

Ok, so basically anywhere except the cat bed!

Where is your pet's favourite place to sleep? Have you ever found your pet in a strange place?

Blogger Mummy Lauren

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  1. What an elegant cat you have! I love the picture on the stairs, it looks so unlikely! Commenting from Rosie's #AnimalTales

    1. I know, I had to stop and take a photo because it was such a random place to chill!

  2. Ha ha - we have exactly the same. We bought Henry a bed and it was the only place he never slept. On our bed is his favourite closely followed by the CLEAN washing pile! Thanks for joining in with #AnimalTales :)

    1. Our cats do love the clean washing pile, I think they notice the lack of hairs on the clothes and they can't be having that!

  3. My old cat Darcy loved her bed! The cats I have now sleep all over. The most random place I have found a cat asleep is in my bathroom sink. #AnimalTales

    1. Haha, wow, the bathroom sink is pretty random!

  4. Ash sleeps anywhere!!! His current favourite place is on the third step on the stairs. As our stairs curve on this particular step, it makes it especially interesting trying to get up or down the stairs when he's lounging there!!!! #animaltales

  5. Ash the Dog says - Although I'm not a particular fan of cats, I admire their ability to sleep anywhere. I like the stairs too but basically anywhere where Mum & Dad have just left as it's nice and warm........ #animaltales

  6. At least your cat stays at home! Our cat only comes home to feed, sleep and then goes away for days :( #animaltales.

  7. What is it with cats and laundry?! Sweet photos :)

    I once found Stella, (my adorable but rather overweight Labrador) trying to get into the tumble dryer one fireworks night. It obviously looked like the safest spot in the house at the time bless her! #animaltales
