The List - My Blogging Goals

I had a bit of a break from blogging again last week. It wasn't planned, but sometimes life just doesn't allow the time.

At the beginning of the month, as the new school term started and I was faced with the reality of a house with no children running around, I said I would get a lot of blogging done while home alone on my days off from work. It was a great idea, but obviously didn't happen. It's funny because I thought I would post a lot this month but in fact I've posted less than any other month in my blog's short life so far.

It's no big deal though. I'm not going to bang on about losing my mojo or inspiration or any of that crap, the simple fact of the matter is I couldn't be arsed this month at all. I'm not sure if it's the worrying about Caitlin fitting in, or the stresses of Neil's transition form p1 to p2, but I've been shattered, and blogging has been the last thing on my mind.

I'm back now though, thanks to a list I jotted down in my notebook a few nights ago when I was bored, a list of 'future blog ideas'. Most of them were garbage, but it wasn't the contents of the list that inspired me, it was purely the act of making the list that gave me the kick up the bum that I needed to get writing again.

Today the tots100 chart for September was released. I fully expected to have dropped a fair bit, given that I have been very quiet during the summer months and this month especially. I'm not going to lie, I do enjoy finding out where I have placed each month. It's not something I dwell on, it's certainly not the be all and end all, but it is nice to see how I'm doing. I know people will argue it's not a good indicator and all that jazz, but I do still like to have a little look.

I was very pleased to find I had gone up almost 100 places to 752 this months. I'm pleased with that, very pleased in fact. I'm not usually one to talk about rank and all because what does it really matter, but it really got me thinking about the future and what's next for my blog.

I feel motivated to set myself some little goals for the months ahead, so here goes:

  • I've been blogging for 8 months now, only 4 months to go until I can blow out some little candles and celebrate a whole year of blogging. I'm aiming to be in the top 500 on the tots charts in time for my blog-birthday. For me, this would be a fantastic achievement, and I feel it's doable, if I put in a little extra effort.
  • I'd love to find a sponsor for Britmums Live 2015. I have my heart set on this one, although I'm not sure it's as achievable as my first goal. I realise that finding a sponsor means making myself and my blog a bit more 'sponsorable', if that's even a word, which leads me on to my next goal...
  • Be more consistent. I need to organise my time and work out some sort of schedule of when I'm going to post. I'd love to say I will start posting every day, but that's just not realistic, so I need to find something that works for me and then stick to it. This is something I think is really important, and it's something I have seen time and time again in 'blogging tips' posts.
  •  Don't sweat the small stuff. When I have a fews days of not blogging, I freak out, and then spend way to much time dwelling on it instead of enjoying my time with my family. So while this totally contradicts the above goal, I need to remember that it's ok to take a break sometimes, because sometimes a wee break is just what you need to gather perspective and sort your ideas out. 

Ok, so my list this week is a bit short, but I'd rather set a small list of goals and achieve them all than write a huge list of stuff I'm never going to stick to.

I'm linking up with  Mums' Days and You Baby Me Mummy for their fabulous linky, The List. Because I love making lists...

Mums' Days

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  1. I think you're going about it the right way. Blogging should be fun and isn't worth stressing about, and it's good to set little goals such as your tots100 ranking even if that's not the reason you blog - it's still something tangible to aim for. Keep up the good work, and you'll be blowing out the candles on that birthday cake before you know it!

    1. It definitely should be fun, and I think if you are having fun doing it, it shows through in your writing.

  2. Blogging should definitely be fun! I found spending a whole day blogging and scheduling posts for the days upcoming led me to be a bit more relaxed as it meant the posts would publish on their own and it didn't matter if I missed a day somewhere. Scheduling is definitely a god send!


    1. That sounds like a good way to do it, I think I may start scheduling posts for days when I know I'm going to be busy with work or the kids, takes a bit of the stress away!

  3. Hello!

    I know a lot of people say that the Tots100 score doesn't matter, but it is a nice way of measuring how you're doing. It's not the ONLY way, but I always check it when the results are released and obviously I'm pleased when I've done well. So well done on your score even though you've had a step back. It just goes to show the following you've obviously built up.

    I need to decide on some goals because I have loads flying around my head but it's impossible to cover everything!



    1. It is nice to see your score improving each month, definitely makes me think I must be doing something right.

      You do need to set yourself some goals, doing this has helped me focus on something x

  4. I think these are so great blogging goals. I'm much the same as you, I don't always 'feel' like blogging. I've posted a lot less posts this month than normal but actually, they have been better posts (in my opinion anyway). I think quality over quantity is important.

    As for TOTS100 - no matter how many people explain it to me, I still don't get how it all works! I check my score too, if only to see that I'm going in the right direction. I didn't do as well this month as I have previously but that was because I was enjoying our first family holiday. Far more important than any number! :)

    Jenna at Tinyfootsteps xx

    1. Definitely quality over quantity. I did a blog every day challenge when I first started blogging but I just felt like I was churning out rubbish so stopped mid way, I'd much rather post only a few times a week but it be good content.

      Haha, I'm not really sure I fully understand the tots100 either, but I do enjoy having a wee peek at the scores. x

  5. Great goals. I definitely agree with you last one. Besides the more time you have for you and your family, the more you'll have to blog about and the more natural it will be ;-)

  6. I have a hard time keeping up with my blog at times. Its not that I dont have anything to say its just its so much work to draw visitors to my page. Sometimes I do not want to put in all that work. Its exhausting.

    1. Yeah it is difficult, sometimes when you feel like you have written a great post but no one has looked at it it can make you wonder what the point is. I think the easiest thing is to make a note in your diary of a few linkies you like the look of then try and join in to them regularly, but never dwell too much on your stats/ views. xx

  7. I'm still only just finding my way after over 5 years of Blogging! #thelist

    1. I think blogging is just one big lurning curve! I'm not sure I'll ever truly find me way haha

  8. You seem to have set very reasonable goals. Keep us updated on when you make them.

    1. Thanks, I will be sure to tell the world if I achieve them. Not so sure I'll mention them again if I don't manage mind...

  9. Interesting! I checked my Tots score too and it was somewhere in the 1500's - maybe my next month goal could be to improve it to 1400's :) Your goals sound achievable - good luck! #TheList

    1. My first few months I was in the 3000's and I just aimed a little higher each time x

  10. Wow, you've been blogging for only eight months? I've been blogging for 13 months and not nearly where you are. Then again, I'm a Dutch woman blogging in Englisha nd not a parent blogger or other big niche at that. I wish you so much luck finding a sponsr for Britmums Live. I alos totally understand about needing to not sweat the small stuff.

    1. It does make it a bit easier when you have a certain nice community I think, like parenting or beauty. I've had a look at your blog and I wouldn't have know you were a dutch lady writing in English. I've enjoyed reading some of your posts on autism as it's something close to my heart x

  11. Great to have blogging goals and you are doing a really good job. I hope you achieve all you want to. Thanks for linking up to #TheList x

  12. some good goals to set hope you do well and get to the top 500! x

  13. Great list, I'm sure you'll make the top 500. I find other peoples blogging goals a real inspiration and this is no exception.


    1. Yeah I like seeing other people blogging goals too, definitely an inspiration x
