Word of the Week - Absent

Things have been very quiet this week on the blog. I haven't posted anything for a whole week, and that has been playing on my mind a bit, so my word this week is...

I'm definitely finding it hard over the summer to remain present in the blogging community. I have been struggling since Neil broke up for school almost 6 weeks ago, and really haven't been posting as much as I used to.

I have been getting up early to do some writing, but staring blankly at the blank page for a little while then getting distracted by something and spending an hour browsing the web, looking at things I can't afford or hairstyles I will never get. My head just hasn't been in the right place. I have had time at night, but after a long day with the kids I'm usually ready for my bed.

I can't really complain too much, we have been having fun together as a family, and I've managed to get my house in to some sort of order, so I think the week off has done me good, but I'm keen to get back in to the swing of things and get posting again.

I have a lot of posts that I need to do, but after a week of absence I'm feeling a bit rusty. I think sometimes, when you take a break from something it is hard to get back in to it again straight away. It is like going back to work after a week off, you almost feel like you don't know what you are doing and it takes a day or two to get your mojo back.

Hopefully I'll find my mojo and be back with a bang next week!

The Reading Residence

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  1. I bet the week has done you good and once you get back into it you'll be well away :-) I'm having a week off when we go on holiday part of me is looking forward to it but the other part of me thinks I'm going to miss it. Hope you have a lovely weekend x #WotW

  2. I have moments like that too - it is hard sometimes to feel inspired again after a break. Hope your writing mojo comes back soon :-)

  3. I hope you get your blogging mojo back soon!
    I think blogging takes a back seat for most people over the summer.....I have still been posting but writing them when the kids have been in bed but I have been commenting less as I've been spending time with the kids....

  4. Sounds like a good week all the same, and I'm sure it'll come back after a few days. I sometimes go a few days without really feeling like writing, but as I tend to schedule a fair bit ahead, no-one would ever know...! Thanks for sharing with #WotW x

  5. I'm sure you'll get the inspiration back soon. It sounds like you've had a constructive time when you haven't been blogging. Sometimes a break can do you good and you can return to blogging full of bright ideas! #WotW

  6. Goodness its like you described me! I am so not into blogging too lately. I was so religious with my linkys and commenting. Always updated. And look at me now? Commenting on friday linkys on a monday. I am also skipping a lot of my linky. My rankings will suffer so bad next time =( #wotw

  7. A great word, and I think we all go through ups and downs with blogging so I wouldn't worry too much. A few days/weeks off won't hurt your rankings too much (if you're worried about them) :-)
