A is for artwork, and not the kind hanging in the National Gallery.
My little boy has never been one for painting, or making pictures at home. He doesn't like getting 'dirty' and usually refuses to do it. When he started school in September, I didn't for one second expect any painted pictures to come home, and for a while, none did. His teacher mentioned that he would usually refuse to take part for fear of making a mess, which is what I expected.
So imagine my surprise, and joy, when I opened his school bag one afternoon to find this little beauty in his bag. My wee man's first work of art! Since then there have been more, and they all take pride of place on my wall, alongside his sisters fabulous creations. I love all of the art they make for me, but this is particularly special as I was never expecting it!
I'm linking up to the Alphabet Project, which is an alphabet based photography project over at PODcast.

I love reading all of your comments and getting to interact with all my readers so pop a comment in the section below and lets chit chat.
Oh wow that must have been the most wonderful moment Lauren! I'll bet there is more to come too. Lovely post, thank you so much for sharing and joining in #alphabetphoto