I've never been very good at pranks or tricks, the best I can usually come up with is hiding behind a door and shouting 'raaa' or 'boo' as someone comes past. Not scary, or funny.
Every April fools, facebook is filled with other people who are also rubbish at pranking, telling all of their nearest and dearest that they are pregnant. It was probably funny some time in the past, but when half of your list happens to be announcing their pregnancy on April 1st it gets a bit boring. What I find funny is that people still fall for it and offer their congratulations. Anyway, I'm going off on a tangent..
I had decided to up my pranking game a little, because jumping out on someone really isn't much of a prank is it? I decided my lovely little children would be my victims. Obviously I would have to go easy, I didn't want Neil to misinterpret the intentions and have a huge meltdown.
I decided I was going to freeze their breakfast. I didn't come up with the idea myself, I'm not that clever. In my desperate bid to nail it this year, I'd found myself looking at April fools jokes. Freezing cereal was something that would take minimum effort. So on the night of March 31st, I filled their tip n sip bowls with their favourite cereal, topped it up with milk and set it in the freezer.
The next morning as my hubby was getting the kids out of bed, I ran down the stairs to set up. I took the bowls out of the freezer and set them at the table. The frozen milk looked a bit strange, I mean, you could see something was not right. I easily fixed this problem by pouring on a splash of fresh milk, which worked a treat. I could hardly contain myself as the kids bounded down the stairs.
Neil was the first to try to take a spoonful. He looked up and said 'HUH?' as he repeatedly tried to get his spoon in to the cereal. I started to giggle, which was not a good idea because once the laughter started there was no stopping me. Caitlin took one go, then folded up her arms and her bottom lip began to quiver. A good mum would have consoled their daughter at this point, but I did no such thing, instead, I laughed in her face. I then had to put my hands over my own face, I was laughing so much.
Meanwhile, Neil was still hacking at his cereal like his spoon was a pick-axe, over and over and over. I know, I really should have stopped him but my lungs were giving in by this point. Caitlin was weeping quietly beside me. Eventually I stood up and managed an "April fools!"
Neil took it in good faith, setting his spoon down and shouting "Oh Mum, why did you trick us!"
Of course I made them some real breakfast, I'm not a terrible mum!
Caitlin spent the rest of breakfast looking like the whole world was against her, giving me her sad eyes. I know I should have felt a little bad for her, but I honestly, I thought I was the funniest person alive at the moment and laughed the whole way through breakfast.
The moral of this story is, if you laugh in the face of a crying child, you are definitely a bad mum!

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LOLing at your post! OMG u r a genius =P #badmumsclub
ReplyDeletehahaha!! That is brilliant!! :D