Story behind a photo - Blue in the face

It was the summer of 2012, Caitlin was 2 and Neil was 3. We had spent the afternoon painting pictures in the house. Once we had finished I started to clear away everything we had been using.

 As I was tidying I noticed something was wrong, our usually loud and buzzing kitchen was as quiet as a mouse. Anyone with a toddler in the house knows, that when things go quiet, it's usually an indication that someone is up to no good!

I stopped what I was doing and headed in to the kitchen and my mouth just dropped. I appeared to have found a smurf in place of Caitlin.

As I was tidying paints and brushes in to a bag, Caitlin has been sneaking them out again, and had decided to paint her whole body, and about 2/3's of the kitchen blue. She had even rolled up her trousers, because apparently her face and arms were not enough, and she had to paint her legs too.

As you can see, she's pretty pleased with herself!

We decided that since we already had a monster clean up job, that we might as well join in with her, and so Neil and I joined in with Smurfette and painted ourself blue too.

 I love this photo, Neil looks so happy, and he still has his big mop of curls here too. About 1 minute after this was taken, Neil was straight up the stairs to scrub his face clean. He usually hates even getting dirty in the first place so just the fact that he was willing to have a go was great.

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  1. Awesome post! What a great story and brilliant photos too. You're so right about the quietness. When our now 3 YO went quiet last year she'd smothered herself and her bedroom carpet in Sudocrem! Such a lovely smiley post, thank you so much for sharing with #whatsthestory

    Sorry didn't get to you yesterday :)

  2. Oh no, maybe the carpet had a sore bum haha!
