It's fair to say we love pizza in our house. When we lived in England before we had the kids, we regularly indulged in massive amounts of Pizza Hut. Luckily, for our ever growing waistlines and our ever shrinking bank balance, there is no Pizza Hut anywhere near here.
So when we fancy a pizza, we make our own. It's pretty simple, and soooo tasty!
So last night we decided to make pizza. I asked the kids what kind of pizza they wanted, and C shouts 'My little pony!', then once N hears her request he pipes up and shouts 'ooooooh i want a minecraft pizza!'
I look at my husband and say "how the f*** do we make a my little pony pizza??"
Luckily my better half is much better at art than I am and so got to work on making the dough the right shape.After rolling the dough out, he cut out the shape then we topped them as normal, and this is the result.....
C's My Little Pony pizza. She was chuffed to bits, and I reckon it turned out pretty good also!
N's Minecraft 'Creeper' Pizza, which he was over the moon with.
This is a picture N took of his Creeper toy and what's left of his pizza.
They went down well with both kids, and they are already making their requests for the next pizza night!

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